January 31, 2025

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Update on OMB Memo and Federal Funding Freeze


By now, I am sure most everyone is aware of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo issued on Monday temporarily suspending federal funding for most federal agencies and programs. The OMB directive was subsequently blocked Tuesday night by a federal district judge, and then officially rescinded by OMB the following day.  


While the OMB directive was withdrawn, this action did not withdraw related Executive Orders from the White House seeking to impose more targeted federal funding restrictions.  Agency leaders may also still be empowered to hit the pause button on certain federal programs, and the broad list of water, transportation and other programs highlighted in the OMB memo.


Because there remains a great deal of uncertainty, ACEC will continue to do outreach to federal agencies, to our Capitol Hill allies and to stakeholders to gather information and advocate for the programs that support the markets we serve.  ACEC is also setting up an online resource center on its website that will provide easy access to information from the White House, from Capitol Hill, and resources generated by ACEC on this issue.  We’ll circulate that link to members as soon as it's ready. 


If you and your firms have projects and/or funding being held up as a result of this directive, please email me with those details at bdirmann@acecl.org. ACEC is compiling a comprehensive, state by state list to share with agency leaders and Congressional members if/when necessary. 


LADOTD and Secretary Donahue Issue Strategic Improvement Plan


In response to an executive order issued by Governor Landry last Spring and the reform study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group, Secretary Donahue and LADOTD published their Strategic Improvement Plan that aims to enhance efficiency modernization and accountability at the department. The full plan can be accessed by clicking the button below.

The plan outlines the following initiatives DOTD initiated in 2024 and those planned for 2025:

  • Initiatives Commenced in 2024
    • Project Delivery Process Optimization
    • Data Governance Review
    • Organizational Realignment
    • Bridge Replacement Program Enhancement Plan
    • “On-the-shelf” Project Plans (100+ Projects)
    • Advanced Resilience Improvement Plan
    • Access Permit Process Improvements
    • Created New DOTD Website
  • Initiatives Planned for 2025
    • Continued Organizational Realignment
    • Project Viewer Portal Development
    • Roadway Work Request Development
    • Project Prioritization Improvement Plan
    • Grant Pursuit & Coordination Efforts
    • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Initiative
    • Right of Way Permit Process Improvements
    • Comprehensive Rules, Manual, and Policy Review
    • Rural Transportation Planning

 ACECL is deeply invested and committed to seeing that real reforms are implemented and acted on. We are planning to have a Transportation Committee meeting in February to talk through the plan and determine which of the initiatives listed above we would like to prioritize but also identify any those initiatives we think are important that were not in the report. If you are already on the Transportation Committee, be on the lookout for that meeting invite. If you are not on the committee, scroll down to the Committee Corner section of the newsletter to see how you can join.



The board of Governors met on January 17, 2025


Thursday, February 6, 2025
Friday, February 7, 2025
Location: Renaissance Baton Rouge Hotel

Please join us in Baton Rouge on February 6-7, 2025, as Louisiana ACEC, AIA, AGC, LAPA, LCA & CFMA host the 2025 Critical Issues Summit. This business seminar will take place from 1-5 pm on Thursday & 8:00 AM- 11:30AM on Friday.


VISIT: LAGC Events for the full agenda!



We are excited to introduce a new section in our newsletter we are calling Committee Corner. Each month we will use this section to update members on committee meetings and activities. In addition to the committee updates, our committee chairs will periodically write commentaries on topics or issues falling under their committee's purview and how the committee is engaging in the debate. 


Our committees are a great way to get engaged in ACECL and influence the work the organization takes on for our member firms. Most, if not all, the work we do originates at the committee level and is elevated to our Board of Governors for approval.


Click on the button below to see more details on our standing committees and their purposes. You can also sign up for any committees you are interested in serving on through this same webpage.


ACEC of Louisiana wants to bring to your attention a regional symposium on Infrastructure Digital Twins that will be held in Baton Rouge at Louisiana State University just before Mardi Gras!  The purpose of the event is twofold; it will bring together industry practitioners to learn and network regarding the digital transformation occurring within the A/E/C industry through Digital Twins, as well as feature some interesting work being done with LSU's Digital Media Arts and Engineering pertaining to Infrastructure.  


The event will start with an evening cocktail reception at the LSU Digital Media Center on Wednesday, February 26th.  On Thursday, February 27th, a day of learning at Lod Cook, ending with a crawfish boil and jazz band social.  The symposium will conclude at the LSU Center for River Studies on Friday, February 28th with continued learning as well as a tour of the LSU Center for River Studies Mississippi River Model.  


As an ACEC of Louisiana member, each registrant will receive a $100 discount towards registration using the code ACECL



The ACEC Business Insurance Trust (BIT) oversees a program that provides business and professional liability insurance coverage for participating ACEC member firms. The program offers policyholders ACEC-exclusive tailored coverage along with broad policy terms and conditions.

Program coverage includes automobile liability and physical damage; workers' compensation; and the "Spectrum" package policy affording protection for buildings, business personal property, money and securities, business liability, equipment breakdown, drones, cyber security, computers and media. Catastrophe liability protection is available through umbrella coverage.

The business insurance plan underwriter is The Hartford. The plan administrator is Greyling, a division of EPIC.

Representative Contacts:

Lee Ann Wheeler (leeann.wheeler@greyling.com)
Jeff Connelly (jeff.connelly@greyling.com)



ACEC Business Insurance Trust

ACEC Life/Health Insurance Trust

Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.

BAR Environmental, Inc.

BFM Corporation, LLC

Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, LLP

Brown & Brown of Louisiana

Cadence Insurance

CxA Services, Inc.

Deutsch Kerrigan, LLP

ELOS Environmental, LLC

Environmental Technical Sales, Inc.

Foley & Judell, LLP

Galloway Johnson Tompkins Burr & Smith, LLP

Gulf South Technology Solutions

Hannis T. Bourgeois, LLP


Keogh, Cox & Wilson

Lord and Winter, LLC

Quality Sitework Materials, Inc.

Tensar Corporation

Turner Insurance & Financial Services


February 2025

6-7        Critical Issues Summit, Baton Rouge Renaissance Hotel

10         ACECL Baton Rouge Chapter Luncheon, Sullivan's Steakhouse

14         ACECL HR Forum Meeting (Virtual)



Barker Dirmann
President & CEO
ACEC of Louisiana
ACEC of Louisiana | 225.927.7704 | bdirmann@acecl.org | www.acecl.org


This email was sent on behalf of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana located at 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 112, Baton Rouge, LA 70809.   To unsubscribe click here. If you have questions or comments concerning this email contact our offices at acecl@acecl.org or call 225-927-7704.