October 31, 2024

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The Board of Governors met on October 9, 2024



ACEC (National) Fall Conference in New Orleans


Not to be confused with our upcoming state Fall (Project Outlook) Conference, which you will read more about below, last week New Orleans hosted the ACEC Fall Conference that saw over 1,000 attendees. The feedback I received from out of state colleagues and ACEC members was incredible. I think we take our restaurants for granted, y'all!


ACEC Louisiana wanted to kick off the conference with some New Orleans flair, so we took a group of conference attendees out to the West Closure Complex to tour the largest pump station in the world. The magnitude and scale of this facility was absolutely stunning and quite unexpected. To watch the eyes of the engineers light up as we walked around the complex was a sight to see. Jesse Noel, Regional Director for SLFPA-West, gave an incredible tour. His passion for the facility and the purpose it services to protect the communities in the New Orleans region was unmistakable.


ACEC National came along to showcase the facility as one of its Road Show projects. Staff will be editing the footage and interviews they videoed while onsite so I will be sure to share that content with you all as soon as it is released. In the meantime, here are a couple photos from the tour. 

In addition to the tour, we hosted the ACECL Cocktail Reception at the Vintage Rock Club. More than a hundred ACEC members and member organization (other state ACEC's) executives from around the country attendee the event. In true southern hospitality, we wanted this to be a no charge event for attendees so I would like to extend a huge 'Thank You' to our event sponsors below who made this possible. 


ACEC Louisiana in Engineering Inc. Magazine


The month of October must have been ACEC Louisiana themed because not only did our state host the national conference, but we were also highlighted in the ACEC's magazine, Engineering Inc. You can check out the article by clicking on the link below. Shout out to Kimberly, Nathan and Michael for their contributions to the article. 


ACEC of Louisiana Member Organization Profile



ACEC Louisiana Fall Conference

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana (ACECL) will host its annual Fall Conference at the Baton Rouge Marriott Hotel on Monday, November 18, 2024.


This one-day conference gives members the opportunity to hear firsthand from local, state, and federal industry and governmental leaders offering their business expertise in both the public and private sectors. Participants will have the opportunity to earn 5.5 hours of professional development education credits, along with an additional 1 hour of ethics.


Hotel Information

Baton Rouge Marriott Hotel

5500 Hilton Avenue

Baton Rouge, LA 70808


Reserve your room now to ensure you get the ACEC discounted rate.



Thursday, Nov 7th, 2024


The ACEC PAC Pinewood Rally is approaching FAST!!!

(Following the ACECL Fall Conference)

5:00 PM

Baton Rouge Marriott Hotel 

Come join the fun and support the ACEC PAC!


ACEC of Louisiana Welcomes Courtney Hutchinson

It is my honor to introduce Coutney Hutchinson as ACEC of Louisiana's new Office Manager!


For those who do not already know, our beloved and longtime Office Manager, Haleigh Gray, left ACECL in September to pursue another career opportunity. Knowing we would not be able to fully fill the shoes Haleigh would leave; we were reluctant to fill her position at all...until the perfect candidate emerged.


Courtney joins ACECL after ten years of arguably the toughest but most important job in the world...a household manager. While serving her family as a stay-at-home mom, Courtney owned and operated her own small business. Prior to returning to the home, Courtney worked in the radiology department at the Baton Rouge Clinic.


Since taking over the role of Office Manager earlier this month, Courtney has hit the ground running and has been eagerly learning day to day operations and procedures. Most importantly she looks forward to meeting our members that we are here to serve. She will be starting off in a part-time role, working Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 


Courtney's email address is chutchinson@acecl.org. Please do not hesitate to email her concerning anything you would have emailed Haleigh about. Like I said, she is eager to learn and fast at it! 




Our lawyers combine in-house engineering credentials with years of litigation experience to help resolve complex malpractice claims against architects, engineers and land surveyors. Keogh Cox is approved litigation panel counsel for many insurers serving design professionals and has a proven track record in this area of law. We conduct a thorough, detailed analysis of the technical and legal issues to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the case early in the litigation.


Contact: Mary Anne Wolf

Email: mwolf@keoghcox.com




Hannis T. Bourgeois CPAs and Business Advisors delivers an unparalleled level of experience serving the Louisiana construction industry. We work with construction companies and contractors addressing traditional tax, audit and accounting needs, while providing guidance on more complex issues. For multiple decades we have partnered with these companies to illuminate the growth path and ensure key goals are met. This has led us to earn the respect of many banks, surety firms and insurance companies that serve the industry.


Our full slate of assurance, tax and consulting services are available to your company, depending on your needs.


Contact: Kyle Cook, CPA


(225) 928-4770




ACEC Business Insurance Trust

ACEC Life/Health Insurance Trust

Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.

BAR Environmental, Inc.

BFM Corporation, LLC

Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, LLP

Brown & Brown of Louisiana

Cadence Insurance

CxA Services, Inc.

Deutsch Kerrigan, LLP

ELOS Environmental, LLC

Environmental Technical Sales, Inc.

Foley & Judell, LLP

Galloway Johnson Tompkins Burr & Smith, LLP

Gulf South Technology Solutions

Hannis T. Bourgeois, LLP


Keogh, Cox & Wilson

Lord and Winter, LLC

Quality Sitework Materials, Inc.

Tensar Corporation

Turner Insurance & Financial Services



8           HR Forum Meeting (Virtual)

14         New Orleans Chapter Meeting

18         ACECL Fall Conference & Pinewood Rally Event

19         Board of Governors Meeting

28-29   Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday



Barker Dirmann
President & CEO
ACEC of Louisiana
ACEC of Louisiana | 225.927.7704 | bdirmann@acecl.org | www.acecl.org


This email was sent on behalf of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana located at 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 112, Baton Rouge, LA 70809.   To unsubscribe click here. If you have questions or comments concerning this email contact our offices at acecl@acecl.org or call 225-927-7704.