Emerging Leaders Institute
Emerging Leaders Institute
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 8:30 AM - Wednesday, April 24, 2024 6:00 PM (CDT)
The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Louisiana and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Louisiana are pleased to offer an Emerging Leaders Institute series, a leadership and career development program for individuals committed to developing both their professional and personal leadership abilities.
Over the years, the consulting design industry has prospered as a result of strong leadership. To ensure an equally successful future, our future leaders must be encouraged to become involved in industry and association activities. Therefore, ACEC of Louisiana and AIA-Louisiana have created an Emerging Leaders Institute exclusively for aspiring professionals within its member organizations. The value of this program provides participants the opportunity to build relationships with their peers in the profession, focus on key factors influencing leadership effectiveness and development, gain insight into various aspects of successful project management and sharpen communications skills.
The Emerging Leaders Institute is targeted to rising industry professionals who are committed to developing their leadership and management skills and abilities and have been identified by their firm as a “future leader” of the design industry.
Beginning in April, and continuing through the fall, the Emerging Leaders Institute will be comprised of four (4) sessions to be held in the Baton Rouge area. For the program to provide maximum benefits, participants are highly encouraged to commit and attend ALL sessions. Participants are eligible to earn no fewer than 22 AIA HSW/PDHs/LUs with full participation. Certificates to be awarded.
To participate in the Emerging Leaders Institute, an individual must complete the application and submit it along with the registration fee ($1,095.00 - Early Bird deadline of March 15, 2024, or $1,295.00 - Registration deadline of April 15, 2024). The number of participants is limited to 20 and applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. The registration fee covers all meeting materials, team building events, lunches, and complimentary registration to ACECL’s Fall Conference or AIA Louisiana’s Conference on Architecture to be held in the Fall 2024.
100 Terrace Avenue 2nd Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70802 United States